Seeing the Vision . . .
The creation of any object or building requires a great deal of planning and forethought. It ultimately requires to form the object with your mind's eye before it can be made a physical reality.
Occasionally, in a calm moment, I reflect on the amazing gift I have to be able to see things as they can be without any pre-existing evidence of that future state. For example, if I look at a piece of land, it has become second nature for me to see it and have instantly in my mind's eye a building or multiple buildings.
As children, we all had this vision. It was our world of imagination that we all played in and saw a world that wasn't a current reality.
Why we tend to lose that gift as we become adults, I do not know. It's possible we just become discouraged by life and stop believing we can create something better and consign ourselves to a miserable existence in "reality".
But is this "reality" not just the presence? Can we not create a better world through envisioning a better future?
As an architect, it is my job every day to imagine what can be and not merely what is.
My wish for all is to unleash your dormant imagination and see a world of possibilities. Once you have the vision, it is yours to make happen.
I spent much of the day yesterday developing this vision for a possible future development of a site for a client. Helping others see the vision.... that is my job.